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Mr. Pantelis Vassiliou heads Vassiliou Ventures, a group of companies he formed in 2015.
About Pantelis Vassiliou

Pantelis Vassiliou served as the President & CEO of ReliaSoft Corporation, a company he founded while in the Ph.D. program in Reliability Engineering at the University of Arizona. In 2015 ReliaSoft was acquired by  Spectris PLC .

As part of the transition Mr. Vassiliou resigned his position and left the company to start Vassiliou Ventures. During his two decades at ReliaSoft, he oversaw the research and development of new tools, theories and approaches for advancing reliability methodologies, and was the principal architect of ReliaSoft’s new Synthesis platform, as well as the champion of the Reliability 3.0 approach.

In addition to his R&D contributions to the field Mr. Vassiliou has also personally taught, lectured and/or acted as a consultant for thousands of reliability engineers and hundreds of companies in over forty countries.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/pantelisvassiliou  https://www.facebook.com/pantelis.vassiliou  https://plus.google.com/u/0/+PantelisVassiliou/posts/p/pub 
 https://instagram.com/freetoponder/  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi2jMeG2vmHLua0VM_XV09w  https://twitter.com/N65PV  

Vassiliou Ventures is registered trade name of VFAMCO LLC